Announcing a New Class of Treatment for Hair Re-Growth

  • Iroro Nutreatment with CXCL1 (0.01% /0.02%)
  • Stimulate Hair re-growth
  • Thicken Hair
  • Shampoo, Conditioner & Treatment Serum
    - free of parabens, silicone and dyes
If you are experiencing hair loss, increased hair fall or thinning hair, then you are not alone. Over 80% of men and 50% of women will experience hair loss, thinning hair or an increase in hair fall, over their lifetime. To learn more about the Hair Growth Cycle, click here.

Iroro, with CXCL1, is the first in a new class of treatments for hair re-growth

CXCL1 is a peptide called an alpha-chemokine. Applied to the scalp in iroro Nutreatment, CXCL1 significantly and directly induces the growth cycle of the hair follicle. To learn more about chemokines and growth factors click here.

Iroro Nutreatment with CXCL1 now available in Australia

Iroro Nutreatment consists of 3 different products:

  • Men’s and Women’s shampoo – formulated differently but both containing CXCL1 (0.01%)
  • Conditioner treatment – containing CXCL1 (0.01%); and
  • Scalp serum – containing CXCL1 in double strength (0.02%).

For optimal effect, the shampoo and conditioner are used daily as the sole cleansing and conditioning agents, with the double strength scalp serum applied every day – to receding or bald spots (men) or to the thinning or mid-line areas (women).

Formulated with beta-hydroxy acids

In addition, the iroro shampoo range is cleverly formulated with beta-hydroxy acids to ensure that residual sebum (oil) or detergents which may block hair follicles and contribute to hair loss, are removed. The cleanliness and overall well-being of the scalp is greatly enhanced.

The range also contains 13 natural ingredients to improve scalp health and hair strength.

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Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle

Excepting a few spots, the human body is completely covered with hair follicles. Most follicles are tiny, and many of the hairs they produce do not grow long enough to emerge out from the pore.

Hair is made from a protein called keratin. The only living part of the hair is the bulb, which is attached to the base of the follicle (a narrow pocket of skin). The follicle supplies oxygen and nutrients to the bulb and lubricates the hair shaft with an oily substance called sebum. At the base of the bulb are dermal papilla cells which are the specialised embryonic cells from which each new hair is born. The bulb is surrounded by blood vessels and adipose (fat) tissue.

Each hair goes through three phases of growth:

  • The Anagen or active growth phase, lasts two to seven years. During this phase, the embryonic cells within the bulb continually drive the growth of the hair up the lubricated follicle.
  • The next phase is the Catagen or transition phase – which lasts about two weeks. During this phase, the hair shaft moves upward toward the skin's surface, and the dermal papilla begins to separate from the follicle. This terminates the nourishment and growth of the hair. The final phase is the Telogen or resting phase.
  • This lasts about three months and culminates in the shedding of the hair shaft.

Hair is in a constant cycle of growth, rest and renewal. On the scalp, there are approximately 100,000 hair follicles. Over the course of three years, every one of these follicles will produce a hair that grows, rests, falls out and then regrows. That means that every 1,000 days, you shed 100,000 hairs. This equates to 100 hairs shed every day.

As long as the new hair that grows from that follicle is the same as the one it replaces, the hair density will remain constant.

Patterned Hair Loss

There are a range of types of hair loss (or alopecia), with the most common being Patterned hair loss.

Patterned Hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women and is the result of genetic and hormonal factors. Patterned Hair loss is so common that it’s considered to be a normal part of the ageing process.

Patterned hair loss is caused by androgen hormones - produced in different amounts by both men and women - that affect the hair follicles in people with a genetic susceptibility. More specifically, it is a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a bi-product of the metabolism of testosterone by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase.  This is where the term androgenic alopecia comes from.

DHT stimulates a process called “miniaturisation” which is characterised by shrinking of the hair follicles. As the follicles get smaller, the hair that can grow from each follicle also becomes shorter and finer than the hair it replaces. Eventually, the new hairs are so short and fine they become invisible and the scalp becomes bald. In this process, DHT triggers a wide range of biological mediators (cytokines and chemokines) to cause the dermal papilla cells under the hair follicle to decline which in turn commences a long term reduction of the anagen growth phase and eventual conversion of normal (terminal) hairs into smaller (vellus) hairs.

Patterned hair loss is different in Men and Women.

Male pattern baldness accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men – thanks to naturally higher levels of testosterone. By age 35, two-thirds of men will have some degree of appreciable hair loss and by age 50 approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair. In men, hair loss usually begins above the temples, and the receding hairline eventually forms a characteristic "M" shape. Hair at the top of the head also thins, often progressing to baldness.

Hair loss in women produces scattered thinning over the top of the scalp (especially at the part line) rather than a bald spot. Patterned hair loss occurs in over 55% of women as they age. For most women, the hair loss is subtle, but about 20 per cent of women develop moderate or severe hair loss. Baldness is only seen in a minority of women (less than five per cent). Even though women have much lower levels of testosterone normally (and less DHT), fluctuation in hormones – caused by stress, medical conditions, menopause and pregnancy – can cause hair to grow more slowly and become much thinner.  

Growth Factors from Stem Cells
– the new frontier

Until recently, the importance of adipose (fat) tissue for long term skin and dermal health was unknown. However, over the last 10 years research has demonstrated that adipose tissue in the skin is a rich source of stem-cells and has a fundamental role in skin regeneration and health.

Then in 2018, came the breakthrough in regards to hair loss. South Korean scientists discovered that the release of growth factors (or chemokines) from fat cells (adipocytes) in the scalp stimulated dermal papilla cells and hair growth. Further research then showed that this was indeed one of the primary mechanisms of action of a commonly used hair-loss drug, Minoxidil – to stimulate those stem cells to release hair growth factors. The primary growth factor (chemokine) discovered as part of this complex process, was CXCL1.

Actions of Minoxidil – commonly used hair loss drug

In the research, when applied to the skin CXCL1 significantly and directly induced the growth (anagen) phase of the hair cycle AND enhanced the growth of the dermal papilla cells themselves.

The studies showed that CXCL1 was 80% as effective as Minoxidil 2% topical therapy on its own at stimulating hair re-growth.

However, when combined with Minoxidil therapy, hair regrowth was 200% greater than the Minoxidil 2% baseline.

The use of CXCL1 was then patented by SCM LifeScience in South Korea.

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